By using the purest tools of drawing techniques and miniature surgical cut outs , these works on paper tell untold stories which blend together history, art and the tradition of commedia dell ‘arte. The final cut out drawings turn into series of 3 dimensional stages.
Fluid Dynamics: urban differences
In Works on paper
Chasing the Spring
In Chasing the Spring / Works on paper
Mirrored Landscape
In Works on paper
Dietro Liceo, Davanti Museo
In Works on paper
Empty dutch masters
In Empty Dutch Masters / Works on paper
Il Fazzoletto
In Il Fazoletto / Works on paper
A moveable feast
In A moveable feast / Works on paper
Government Plague
In Government plague / Works on paper
Byrd bath:The lost diary of robert byrd jr.
In Byrd bath / Works on paper
Socialism Now*here 2008
In Works on paper